Welcome to Kiddie Valley! - We are in the process of Updating the Site, this one is from 2012.

This is the official website for the town of Kiddie Valley. Our Mayor Bon-Bon would like you feel at home. From our main website, you will access to some of the town's residents known as "Kiddies."

Over time, the town will grow with new residents.

Important Residents:
The Blurbies website - Hsky
The Blurbies Corporation (Blurbbies or Blurbies) are hard office workers in the corporate world. They go through so many issues that we find in a typical company. They are frustrated, happy, indifferent, motivated, careless, etc...
Icysky - Hsky Icysky is a cartoon book series of abstract moments in time. They are normally single pane drawings with accompaning text. These Kiddies are mostly sad, silly or strange. They are reflective of childhood memories.